Thursday, August 31, 2006

Anaconda in pictures - Sprung Gym (part two)

Here are some more pictures from the Sprung gym here at Anaconda.
The other side of the weight lifting end of the gym. Don't be fooled by the air conditioning ducts you see hanging from the ceiling - the average temperature in the gym at night is around 80-85 degrees. This contribuites to getting your sweat on in no time.

Who's that leading this group of soldiers in PT (black shirt, black hat)? Well it's none other than the Diamond Cutter himself, three-time world wrestling champion Diamond Dallas Page. He's old (50) and promoting some strange work-out routine that he's doing now that his WWF days are behind him. (For more information on DDP and his new shtick, click here) Nice of him to visit us over here though, I suppose. The basketball court is on the opposite end of the building from the weights.

Here I am, crushing it on the assisted pull-up/dip machine. Just in case your wondering, the reflective belt I'm wearing around my waist is part of the Army uniform over here in Iraq. It's worn mostly at night, in order to increase visibility and decrease accidents.

Thin mints anyone? It's not uncommon for the girl scouts to donate a box or two of their famous cookies for the troops over here in Iraq, but the gym obviously received an overabundance of cookies, as you can see in the picture above. SGT Kane and I were really excited about this, for some reason, and decided it was a blog-worthy photo opportunity. (For the record, SGT Kane is the king of recognizing blogworthy events)


Anonymous said...

So in all this working out have you been able to shed that flat tire around your waist? I have actually been lifting myself for that last two months. Still cant get the weight above 160lbs though.

Nicki said...

You let me get this spend all this time lifting, just to take some girl scout cookies back to your room and put the pounds back on...sounds logical to me.

Sack said...

For the record I put the two boxes of thin mints down after the pic, and did not take any back to my room. But I don't have the 6 pack of the Hammer or Princess so I have to take it easy.

Nicki said...
