Sunday, June 11, 2006


As you all may or may not know, I am an employee of Cabelas. I work at the bank location in Lincoln, NE as a credit card collector for the wonderful Cabela's Visa card. I am on "military leave" until I return to Lincoln to continue working for Cabela's. Cabela's has treated me very well every step of the way throughout this deployment process. They are keeping my job for me, and while I'm gone I am earning all the normal raises and benefits I would have earned if I was still actively working at the bank. I am very grateful to the company for this.

One popular way for soldiers to take a little bit of Iraq home with them is to fly a U.S. Flag on the flag pole out front of our building here at LSA Anaconda. This way soldiers can take a flag home with them that they can say was flown in Iraq. The flag also makes a great gift to family members and friends. Anyways, I was trying to think of a fun way to say thanks to my friends and co-workers back at the bank in Lincoln, and thought flying a Cabela's flag here in Iraq would be a neat way to show my gratitude.

I got in touch with the Human Resources department at the bank, and shared with them my idea. They were able to hook me up with the Cabela's flag that was actually being flown on a flag pole at the bank location in Lincoln, and sent it my way. I received the flag in great condition a few weeks ago, and yesterday I finally took the time to have it flown over the clear blew Iraq sky. See a couple pictures I took below.

Here I am attempting to attach the massive green Cabela's flag before I raise it up. The Cabela's flag was much larger than the U.S. Flags that are usually flown, so I had to rig together a custom hook-up procedure with zip ties to attach the flag to the rope.

Posing with the flag before hoisting it up the pole. You can really tell in this picture how large and in charge the Cabela's flag actually is.

Thanks to all the folks at Cabela's who were able to make this project happen - specifically L. Prater and J. Fisher. Cabela's has been a big supporter of mine ever since I got deployed. I really appreciate everything they've done for me so far. This is not the last post, hopefully, related to the Cabela's flag. I plan on taking the flag with home with me on my R&R back to NE, and have plans to do something special with it once I return home. I will give you the details of the event at that time. Until then, thanks for checking out my blog and continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers - I really appreciate it!

1 comment:

Nicki said...

Yay for Cabela's!! FYI They like me more at Cabela's than you. Love ya.